This is going to be a pretty short post.
Graduate school has made it to where I get anxious about writing so little. But I’m trying to build a new relationship with writing. Currently, I’m practicing impact. How to get in and get out while still making a point, or several, about a topic that’s clear and interesting.
Today’s is about my favorite button in the field of web development so far. Here it is
This button pushes all my commits (changes I’ve made to a project) to a remote repository that’s connected to my account on GitHub. This matters to me because after pushing all my commits, I get rewarded with a green square.
This green square is important because it gives a feeling of accomplishment, and that feeling of accomplishment is what motivates me to continue to work.
It’s an unintentional reward system that incentivizes me to program more and more.
Til next time.
Haha! I love this. Push button, get reward. Yay green squares!
Never even thought about the whole reward system, but that's totally what's happening!